Ginger and honey tea

Ginger and honey tea. This drink is very useful, aromatic and tasty, and on top of that, it perfectly strengthens the immune system, warming you up in the cold season.

It is advisable not to drink ginger-honey tea before going outside, as ginger warms from the inside, and on the contrary, cools the outside.


500 ml of water
3 tbsp. l. honey
1/3 tsp. ginger
1/2 lemon
1/2 tsp . mint or a pinch of cardamom for aroma
a little cinnamon and cloves to taste, you can add a star star anise.

  • Grate the zest and squeeze the juice from half a lemon.
  • Bring water to a boil and remove from heat.
  • Add spices, juice, lemon zest and honey and mix.
  • Cover with a lid or pour into a thermos and infuse the drink for 30 minutes, filter before use.

Be healthy!

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