Quinoa is one of the most useful cereals, which are rarely found on our table with you. And we are in vain. After all, quinoa contains more riboflavin, fiber, complex carbohydrates and folic acid than wheat, barley and rice.
Among the main beneficial qualities of quinoa is the rich content of protein of a special composition in the product. This protein resembles milk in its properties. It is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. That is why quinoa is also called “vegetable mother’s milk”.
Quinoa is rich in lysine, an amino acid that promotes better calcium absorption and tissue healing
Quinoa also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which helps in the production of seratonin, the so-called hormone of happiness.
It is important to note that quinoa does not contain gluten, so it can be used by people with allergies.

Quinoa is widely used in cooking around the world
- In Spain, these grains are included in the recipe of the national dish – paella.
- In Italy, iinoa is boiled, combined with olive oil, a large amount of sun-dried tomatoes and pepper. It is also used as a base for a warm salad with olives, tuna, fresh tomatoes and canned corn or peas.
- In Greece, they love a salad made of quinoa with soft cheese, fresh tomatoes and spices.
- Quinoa is also ground into baking flour, which allows you to achieve an airy dough texture.
- Sprouted grains are put in salads and combined with soy sauce, balsamic vinegar or garlic.
- You can combine quinoa as a side dish with vegetables, mushrooms, meat and fish.
Quinoa is prepared in the same way as the rice we are used to (although in appearance it is often compared to millet)
- Before cooking quinoa, it is recommended to pre-soak the groats in cold water for at least a couple of hours, or even overnight. This will remove the natural bitterness inherent in the grains, in addition, the porridge will be softer.
- After we have drained the water from the pre-soaked groats, we wash it well once more, then pour water over the quinoa (or immediately with boiling water). in the proportion: 1 part of groats to 2 parts of water.
- When the porridge boils, you can add a little vegetable oil and spices to it and reduce the heat to a minimum.
- Close the pan or cauldron with a lid and boil the quinoa for another 15 minutes. If liquid remains in the porridge during this time, open the lid so that excess moisture evaporates.
- The readiness of the quinoa will be indicated by the appearance of the cereal, which may seem unusual. Inside, the grain becomes transparent, and a kind of “crown” appears around it. Often ready-made quinoa grains are compared to caviar, because they burst when consumed
- An important nuance: the volume of groats after heat treatment increases 3-4 times.
By allowing quinoa to diversify your family’s diet, you will not only expand your own culinary horizons, but also provide the body with the necessary nutrients, filling it with energy and strength