Cinnamon has long been considered one of the “higher spices”, which, in turn, was called the “lords of the world”. Nowadays, this spice is perceived mainly as a flavoring for baking and sweets. But before the Middle Ages, cinnamon was highly valued, first of all, as a perfume. It was soaked in fat or oil and then gently heated to release the divine aroma of the spice.
In Lucan’s epic poem “Pharsalia“, Caesar was enchanted not only by the beauty of Cleopatra, but also by the smell of her body and the beautiful princess’s hair. Another use of the beautiful and mysterious spice from the shores of Ceylon is to give sacredness to the procedure of anointing the body of the deceased. In ancient funeral rites, cinnamon was called to ensure the celebration of the rebirth of the soul and to get rid of complaints about its disappearance from this world.
In Chinese mythology, cinnamon (more precisely, cassia, which grows in those regions) also symbolizes the sun and eternal life. For the Chinese, cinnamon is the tree of life that grows in the Garden of Eden, located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. This tree cannot be cut down – it repels the woodcutter’s ax. And any pilgrim who managed to enter the Garden of Eden and taste the fruits of this tree finds immortality.
It is even embarrassing to offer a fresh batch of “immortality” at a discount, but it can still be purchased on our website 😉
Source of inspiration: Encyclopedia of Spices, John O’Connell