Ginger prawns Kerala style

Ginger prawns Kerala style is probably the first non-vegetable dish on my blog))) But it turned out that way… And it turned out VERY and VERY)))


half a kilogram of unpeeled shrimp, large, preferably fresh, but chilled or fresh-frozen are also suitable
garlic 6 large cloves
ginger root a little more than garlic or 1 tbsp. ground ginger
curry leaves
bay leaf
lemon or lime

  • Boil the shrimp with curry leaves, bay leaves and salt.
  • Cut the garlic and ginger into pieces, add 4 tablespoons of water and grind with a blender.
  • When the shrimp are cooked ( 5-7 min), drain the water from them, remove the bay leaf.
  • Leave the curry leaves.
  • Add the garlic-ginger sauce and cook over high heat, stirring constantly for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve with lemon. To beer )))
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