Curry leaves in the daily diet

Barsunga, bishahari, galikai, nimbhat, katnim, gacharish, murraya, orange jasmine, plant of Japanese emperors, etc. There are no names for the spice, which is often confused with a bay leaf, although they have more differences than common features. And we are talking about Curry Leaves.

The first nuance. Curry leaves have nothing to do with the spice mixture called “Curry“. The composition of curry masala (according to legend, it was invented by the British) often does not contain curry leaves themselves – they are quite expensive and the spices are trivially saved or replaced with the already mentioned bay leaf.

You can order Curry Leaves and read a little more about them at link

But today we will remember the amazing ability of this spice to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and promote weight loss

The proteins and natural carbazole alkaloids contained in curry leaves not only resist the proliferation of cancer cells, but also help regulate the level of cholesterol in the body, while promoting weight loss.

How to use them?
  • First of all, curry leaves can be eaten instead of bay leaves. Soups, sauces, porridges, meat dishes and seafood – and anything will play with new colors with our Ceylon spice!
  • The aroma of these leaves … something between cinnamon and laurel with a nutty-citrus note. Also, unlike a bay leaf, Curry Leaves are edible, so it is not necessary to remove them from the finished dish, but of course it is at your discretion.
  • The best way to use Curry Leaves internally is as a remedy for stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract and weight loss, is to grind a handful of spices in a mortar (or coffee grinder) and mix them with kefir.
  • You can also use them in a smoothie. Especially useful – in combination with coconut milk and fresh mint.

Let’s be healthy!

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