Curry leaves: health and beauty of hair

For your attention, the first of the cycle of recipes for masks with curry leaves for hair health and beauty

As we have previously written, Curry leaves are a good source of protein and amino acids, which not only have a positive effect on your the body when they are eaten, and also prevent hair loss, strengthen hair follicles, cleaning them and opening them, in case of regular use of spices externally.

So there are two main ways to use curry leaves:

in your daily diet (read more details HERE)
as masks and tonic for hair (excellent information about the benefits of curry leaves for hair – among articles Masale )

The simplest nourishing hair mask based on coconut oil and curry leaves:

2 tablespoons coconut oil
10-12 chopped curry leaves

  1. Mix coconut oil with curry leaves and heat the resulting mixture in a water bath for a few minutes.
  2. Then cool down to a comfortable temperature and, with light massaging movements, apply the mask to the hair roots and along their entire length.
  3. Wrap your head with a loose cloth.
  4. The duration of the mask is from 20 minutes to several hours.
  5. Wash off with warm water and mild shampoo.
  6. The frequency of using the mask to achieve the maximum result is once or twice a week.
Another way to use spices as a hair mask
  1. Grind 15-20 curry leaves in a mortar and mix them with two tablespoons of fresh unsweetened yogurt, and then apply the mixture to the scalp.
  2. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water and a mild shampoo.
  4. The recommended frequency of use of the nourishing mask is once a week.
Why it works
  • Yogurt is a very good moisturizer and is also great for cleansing the scalp. It removes dead cells and dandruff, leaving the scalp and hair feeling soft and refreshed.
  • Curry leaves contain essential nutrients that help wash away dirt from the scalp, improving the health of hair follicles. As an added bonus, curry leaves also help prevent premature graying.
  • You can use a few drops of your favorite aromatic oils in these masks – they will create a pleasant mood and leave their aroma and beneficial properties with you for a long time.

Stay healthy and beautiful with MASALE!

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