Coconut sugar: nutraceutical and natural healer

Nutraceutical, functional or enriched food not only supplements the diet, but also contributes to the development of immunity and disease prevention. Therefore, in addition to nutrition, products are also considered for their medical benefits. Personal health and diet are getting a lot of attention these days. Food products that are healthy, safe and easy to use are in high demand. Coconut sugar or Jaggery (unrefined sugar ) is one of them.

Coconut sugar is recognized as a nutraceutical due to the presence of various essential amino acids, antioxidants, phenols, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. The chemical composition of coconut sugar varies greatly due to differences in the varieties of coconut trees, climatic conditions, the use of different chemicals and vegetable brighteners, the methodology of jaggery processing in different countries or even on neighboring coconut farms.

Jagger is better a natural source of useful for nutritional health substances, that is why it is recommended use as a healthier dietary substitute for white sugar. Coconut sugar not only gives energy, but also helps to avoid rheumatic diseases, weakness, relaxation of muscles, nerves and blood vessels, it regulates blood pressure and reduces accumulation of fluid in the body, and also increases the level of hemoglobin. According to Ayurveda, a piece of coconut it is useful to dissolve sugar in throat and lung infections.

Such sugar is a digestive stimulant that helps improve digestion and appetite. Many naturopaths recommend taking a little jaggery after meals to aid digestion. It is an ancient common practice among people in India and Mediterranean countries who feel heaviness in the stomach after eating. The conversion of jaggery into acetic acid in the stomach improves the enzymatic activity of the abdominal cavity, which improves digestion and appetite.

Coconut sugar is a superfood that can be consumed alone or in combination with other healthy products. This natural, healthy sweetener has huge potential to be combined with a number of other natural health-enhancing products.

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