Cloves are the fiery spice of the Comoros Islands

Clove is a very useful spice, it has a wide range of medicinal properties. Ayurveda has long used it to treat the lungs, stomach, improve the condition of the lymphatic system, as a disinfectant, antimicrobial and antiparasitic agent, as well as for warming and pain relief.

Clove is a natural pain reliever, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic. The spice has long been widely used for dental diseases, to strengthen urges and cramps, to accelerate the healing of wounds and eye diseases.

Such wonderful healing properties are mainly provided by euginol, which makes up clove essential oil (more than 70%).

Ayurvedic characteristics of cloves

Effect on tridosha: Kapha and Vata decreases, Pitta increases.
Taste: Bitter, sharp, which provides warming energy.
Action: Removes phlegm, gas, stimulates, relieves pain, aphrodisiac.
Affects tissues: Lymphatic system (purifies blood), nervous system (relieves pain), m’ ligaments (relieves spasms, useful before childbirth to increase the effectiveness of prenatal contractions), bone marrow, reproductive tissues (stimulates the uterus, normalizes the menstrual cycle, treats impotence).

How to use cloves

  • seasoning
  • water decoctions and alcohol tinctures
  • essential oil in various ointments, solutions, lotions, toothpastes, perfumes, massage oils
  • in the form of a compress
  • in aromatic lamps.
  • Clove has contraindications: conditions of increased Pitta dosha, inflammatory processes, dehydration, high blood pressure.
Useful properties of cloves
  • reduces inflammatory processes in periodontitis, eliminates toothache, heals and deodorizes the oral cavity
  • shows high antiseptic activity against many infections
  • positively affects the digestion process, eliminating flatulence , flatulence and diarrhea
  • relieves and prevents asthma attacks
  • raises blood pressure
  • accelerates the recovery of cartilage in joint injuries
  • suppresses parasites< /li>
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle
  • is a good aid for the prevention and treatment of chronic throat diseases
  • has the ability to inhibit the reproduction of fungal infections;
  • improves memory and stimulates mental activity
  • removes excess fluid from the body.
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