An ode to magical turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most common Ayurvedic spices. Turmeric is believed to bring prosperity as it bestows the energy of the Divine Mother. This spice is able to clean the channels of the energy body, so it is effective for cleaning the chakras. It also helps to increase the elasticity of ligaments, so it is good to use it for those who practice hatha yoga.

  • Turmeric perfectly cleans the blood, warms it and promotes the formation of new blood cells.
  • It is a good remedy for improving digestion, which is why it is favorable for Pitta dosha. Despite the fact that Pitta type food with excess spices is contraindicated, turmeric can be used with great benefit, especially when eating heavy food.
  • Turmeric also reduces cravings for sweet and fatty foods.
  • Turmeric is useful for Vata and Kapha types. Moreover, turmeric has the greatest effect on Kapha, reducing it.
Along with ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, fennel and coriander, turmeric belongs to a number of sattvic spices, that is, they promote kindness

Turmeric helps cleanse the body of Ama (slags).

To prepare a cleansing mixture, you need to take equal parts of thyme, barberry and turmeric and take this mixture in capsules or with honey, 0.5-1 g two to three times a day.

Turmeric together with aloe juice can be a good substitute for the classic Ayurvedic remedy Triphala

Triphala is a medicine that balances all three doshas. An excellent substitute can be made yourself by mixing 2-3 teaspoons of aloe juice with a small amount of turmeric. The mixture should be taken 2-3 times a day. The best effect will be if you combine the intake of this mixture with a diet that reduces dosha. It should be borne in mind that aloe juice must be natural, without any additives or preservatives. It is best if you take it from an aloe plant that grows in many apartments.

Turmeric and energy

Because of its ability to clear energy channels, turmeric is used to treat energy blockage conditions.
Blocked energy manifests itself as a state of depression, tension, tightness, which sometimes breaks through with “surges”. This condition most often occurs in young people. Energy blockages eventually lead to energy deficiencies that are difficult to treat. So, in order to prevent a decrease in the level of energy, while it is still simply blocked (poorly moving through the energy channels), turmeric should be actively used as a spice along with lepeh.

Turmeric helps maintain the normal digestive fire – Agni

It is well known that good health is closely related to good digestion. Like other mild sattvic spices – cardamom, coriander and fennel – turmeric is able to keep digestion in balance.

Turmeric is a good remedy for hemorrhoids

It can be applied externally to the affected areas. In this case, a paste or ointment is prepared from turmeric. Ghee oil can be used as an ointment base. For hemorrhoids, turmeric is also used internally, since one of the causes of hemorrhoids is poor digestion.

Turmeric in liver diseases

Turmeric has pronounced antibiotic properties, but unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, it improves digestion and helps restore normal intestinal microflora, making it a good remedy for the debilitated and chronically ill.

Turmeric has a positive effect on the liver. To improve the liver, turmeric can be used as a tea (before or after meals) or as a food seasoning.
A mixture of equal parts of turmeric and barberry cleanses and strengthens the liver well, prevents congestion. If you add brama (Gotu Kola) to this composition, then in addition to the liver, such a mixture will have a beneficial effect on the mind, as well as reduce cravings for sweet, fatty and alcohol – that is, for everything that negatively affects the work of the liver.

Special mention should be made of the use of turmeric in the treatment of hepatitis

Hepatitis in Ayurveda means all types of hepatitis – infectious (viral) and non-infectious (toxic). The principles of treatment will be the same in any case.

  • With acute hepatitis, it is necessary to follow a strict Pita diet, bed rest, exclude from the diet all hot, sour, salty and spicy foods, fried food, meat, fish, cheeses, oil, refined sugar and all very sweet foods. In severe cases, even milk and Ghee oil are excluded.
  • It is better to eat raw green vegetables and sprouted grains. The best food for the liver is mung bean. In acute cases, a mung bean mono-diet can be used for 1-2 weeks. After that, you can introduce basmati rice into the diet and cook kichadi with turmeric and coriander.
  • Of the herbs, fresh aloe juice with the addition of turmeric and coriander has the best effect. In order to avoid the chronicity of the disease, the treatment should last at least three months.

Turmeric is also effective in the treatment of obesity

In addition to other means of combating this condition, the same composition is used – aloe juice with turmeric.

Turmeric can also be used for cough

  • Cough is caused by the accumulation of mucus or irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Unlike the approaches of modern medicine, Ayurveda does not aim to fight cough, but to remove mucus. Turmeric in this case is used separately from the rest in the form of a powder.
  • In the form of gargles, turmeric can be used in the treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis.
  • Turmeric powder heated in butter with the addition of coconut sugar or any unrefined sugar is useful for allergic asthma. Take during attacks.

Turmeric and the circulatory system

Turmeric is part of the heart tonic, which is used for heart diseases. For its preparation, a decoction of myrrh and turmeric is made.

Turmeric has a positive effect in the treatment of arteriosclerosis

In its pure form, turmeric can be used for this purpose in people with Vata and Kapha constitutions. Pitta type people should use aloe juice with turmeric.

  • Turmeric is also used in the treatment of hypotension and to stop bleeding.
  • In case of wounds, applying fresh turmeric root to the wound causes the blood to stop naturally without the formation of scars.
  • Milk with turmeric can be used for pulmonary bleeding.
  • Turmeric is effective in the treatment of anemia – for this purpose, it is added to Ghee oil or Ghee oil is immediately prepared with the addition of turmeric.

In the treatment of diabetes, in addition to other means, turmeric is used 1-3 g 2-3 times a day with aloe juice. This composition is especially effective in the initial stages of diabetes.

Turmeric is used in the treatment of genital herpes, especially in people of Vata and Kapha constitution

  • Turmeric also has a lunar effect, which determines its use to regulate menstruation. It is also used in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome in Vata-type people.
  • In Pitta-type people, turmeric is used to treat leucorrhoea – it is used internally, it is possible with aloe juice.
  • Turmeric has a positive effect on breast tumors in women.

The positive effect of turmeric in the treatment of skin diseases

Turmeric is particularly effective in the treatment of skin diseases. In this case, it is not only used internally, but also applied externally in the form of lotions. Furuncles and acne (acne) are well amenable to this treatment.

  • As a powerful agent that removes toxins and promotes tissue healing, turmeric, along with other agents, is used in the treatment of cancer. At the same time, the dosages should be quite large.
  • In sports medicine, turmeric-based ointments treat muscle and ligament sprains well. You can prepare such an ointment yourself by adding turmeric powder in a ratio of 1:4 to melted ghee. This ointment can be used to treat arthritis.
  • Aloe juice with turmeric is effective for gout.
  • Useful turmeric for children and old age. A good bone tonic for seniors consists of four parts comfrey root, two parts turmeric, two parts licorice, and one part cinnamon.

Part Used: Rhizome.
Taste: bitter, tart, spicy.
Taste after digestion (on the contrary): sharp
Energy: heating
K-PV+ (surplus)
Tissues: affects all tissue-elements of the body
Systems: digestive, circulatory, respiratory
Action: stimulating, carminative, improves metabolism, healing, antibacterial
Indications: indigestion, poor circulation, cough, amenorrhea, pharyngitis, skin diseases, diabetes, arthritis, anemia, wounds, bruises
Precautions: acute jaundice and acute hepatitis, high Pitta, pregnancy.

Excerpt from Herbs and Spices by Vasant Lad and David Frawley.

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