Coconut milk during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For the expectant mother, coconut milk is a natural and useful source of vitamins, organic acids and mineral elements. If a woman is not allergic to the product, the harm of coconut milk for her is minimal. The drink is an excellent diuretic, relieves swelling, strengthens immunity.

Coconut milk improves reproductive functions, improves digestion, has a beneficial effect on the development of the child, and strengthens the bone system of the pregnant woman. Drinking the drink helps to get rid of heartburn, constipation, clean the intestines and protect the body from viral and bacterial infections.

During the lactation period, a woman should also not refuse such a useful product. Vitamins B, E, C contained in coconut milk are necessary for the recovery of the mother’s body after childbirth, and such elements as calcium, iron and sodium are necessary for the normal development of the child.

Coconut milk you can drink up to 1 glass 2-3 times a day week. And coconut shavings for a nursing mother are shown in the amount of only 20-30 g. Fresh flesh can be eaten a little more

Coconut milk contains rare lauric acid, a unique substance that is part of breast milk

In order to exclude the possible harm of coconut milk for the child, it should be introduced into the mother’s diet gradually, starting from the second to fourth months of lactation.

As the reviews of our clients show, coconut milk is a good substitute for cow’s milk in case of intolerance of the mother’s or child’s milk to animal milk.

Nonetheless, coconut milk is an unusual product for the body of Ukrainians. And, despite its beneficial properties, during pregnancy and lactation, it is safer for a woman to eat natural products found in our daily diet, and any exotic products should be consumed in limited quantities or should be postponed altogether.

We ask readers to always pay attention to the peculiarities of your body and take into account the relationship between your interest in the product, its benefits and possible contraindications.

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