Wakame: interesting facts about brown algae

  • In China and Japan, seaweed is eaten in the same amount as we eat potatoes
  • The average Japanese consumes about 10 kg of algae per year
  • Wakame is a low-calorie product with a high protein content, rich in iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamins, amino acids and folic acid
  • Cosmetic skin masks based on wakame have a brightening, soothing and ultra-moisturizing effect
  • Hexaatomic alcohol mannitol is obtained from brown algae, which is used as a blood substitute and in the treatment of diabetes
  • Brown algae can be used as indicators of gold deposits, as they are able to accumulate it in cells
  • On a global scale, about 300,000 tons of wakame are consumed annually, and the total profit from their sale is approximately 600 million dollars
  • In 1967, the French doctor Bonnardiere coined a new word – “thalassotherapy” (from the Greek thalassa or sea). These techniques have been used in Europe for centuries. Thalassotherapy includes a diet of sea food and seaweed to reduce excess weight, bathing in hot sea water (38.5 °C), baths in sea water in which brown algae are suspended in the form of flour, massage with flour from algae, swimming and physical exercise. exercises in sea water, sand baths on the shore and sunbathing. Not all of these methods have medical-scientific evidence, but still in many European countries, such ailments as rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, asthma, wounds and ulcers of the epidermis, neuroses, diseases related to stress and aging are treated with the help of such therapy and for the purpose of restoring working capacity (Arasaki, Arasaki, 1983; De Roeck-Holtzhauer, 1991).
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