Tart with plums

In response to numerous requests, we remind you of the recipe for Spicy tart with plums.

In 1983, cook Marian Burros first published this recipe in The New York Times. Easy to prepare, simple ingredients and unsurpassed taste impressed readers, and for six years the editors were asked to reprint the plum tart recipe every year.
So, cooking.

Step one

Wash the plums or nectarines, remove the pits, cut them into fairly large slices and set aside for five minutes while you knead the dough.

For the dough you need:

2 cups rye/any other flour of your choice
1 cup shredded coconut or 1/2 cup regular white sugar
150 g of coconut/butter oil
2 eggs
a pinch of baking powder
vanilla pod or at your choice – a little anise, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg. Each of the spices will give the tart its own, incomparable taste and aroma.

Culinary magic Tart with plums

Tart with plums тарт зі сливами
  • Knead the dough and put it in a detachable or in any convenient form for baking. You can cover it beforehand with parchment paper – it will protect the dough from burning and remove excess moisture and oil.
  • Form sides from the dough and place the plums on top, slightly pressing them into the dough.
  • Bake the tart at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes, then another 20 minutes, reducing the heat to approximately 160 degrees. Here, of course, a toothpick will come in handy to check the readiness of the cake, because the baking time depends on the intentions of your oven.
  • Before serving, the plum tart can be decorated with whipped cream and fresh mint leaves.

Bon appetit!

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