Products that will help in the heat

If the climate of Ukraine does not change, then very soon we will send coconuts for export, and the capital of spices will move to Chasnivka near Chernihiv. This is us talking about the heat and products that will help you survive it.

From the point of view of coconuts – in MASALE it mostly concerns soft drinks, summer soups (not a word about zucchini, sweetie!) based on coconut milk and coconut oil masks to protect skin and hair from drying out. But spices are usually synonymous with everything spicy and burning, so they may seem out of place in a summer menu. However, the fact is that many spices have traditionally been used for ages to keep you cool and prevent sunstroke. Basil, ginger, mint, anise and fennel stand out among such cooling spices.

Basil + tomatoes = magical a combination not only in taste, but also in its healing cooling power. A few leaves (or better a bunch) of basil to a tomato salad is a great option for a summer lunch menu. Tomatoes and basil too can be blended to make a puree that can be used as a spread on bread. By the way, this is one of the favorite fillings for pizza in Italy. And our manager prepares a delicious cold drink with purple basil and coconut sugar, but none of us can recreate the original recipe. Magic!..

Mint is another cooling spice

Vegetable and fruit salads with mint are always in the oven, but you can also boil it for tea. Drink it cold or hot – your choice. There are always disputes here, as with karkade tea. Choose the tastiest option just for you.

Many of us associate ginger with colds and cold seasons, and its warming properties are well known. In principle, it is. But no. Ayurveda recommends increasing the amount of ginger and cardamom in the diet especially in the summer, because they, like many other spices, have the ability to regulate heat exchange organism. Immediately remember the same menthol chill aftertaste of these spices.

If it is visual, let’s look at native Uzbeks drinking hot tea, being dressed in thick robes. A hot drink and bulky clothes lead to the release of sweat, which in turn cools the body to an optimal temperature. And when the breeze is blowing, it’s a real thrill!… So seagull with ginger and mint is just the thing for summer!
The recipe for non-alcoholic beer with ginger can be found HERE

A little flashback. In childhood, we had friends from Tashkent, and from them we learned not only how to cook delicious pilaf, but also how to take a hellishly hot shower in the summer. Don’t faint, this is just information for thought. But if you do not have a prohibition from doctors, try to choose the most acceptable water temperature for you in the heat and take a hot shower instead of a cold shower. We don’t know if you’ll like the feeling, but our personal little drive after a hot shower lasts a lot longer than stepping out of the bathroom and straight back into hell. But it’s all about taste.

And the last spices for today, and again about water, only from the other side

Green dill, anis and nfennel seeds also have a cooling effect, stimulate the kidneys, removing harmful substances from the body, and help get rid of swelling. Approximately the same effect from watermelons. Only the pleasure from them is more to our taste. Unfortunately, it did not work out this year with Kherson watermelons, but we do not lose hope of seeing them as soon as possible.

Let’s hold on and be healthy. Everything will be Ukraine!

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