Pear charlotte with Indian spices

Today we will pamper ourselves with Pear Charlotte with Indian spices. After all, autumn without charlotte is autumn!

Sometimes, if I really want to eat cookies, but I can’t, I think: “What else does God want? That the Dalai Lama be happy? Or that I eat only what is allowed?”… And I eat cookies.
Dalai Lama XIV

Well, we will need

3 large pears
6 tablespoons of flour
6 tablespoons of oatmeal (chopped)
200 ml coconut milk from Masale
coconut sugar or any of your favorite sweetener – to taste
a pinch of salt
on the tip of a knife baking soda
plus recommended MASALE SPICES – cinnamon, star anise or lemon zes

Pear charlotte with Indian spices
Pear charlotte with Indian spices
The cooking method is very simple
  • without too much fuss mix the main ingredients
  • add to the dough pears, previously cut into small pieces, peeled and cored, into the dough
  • the baking form can be lined with parchment or simply greased with oil, then put the future charlotte in it
  • bake until ready at a temperature of 200 degrees – about 30 minutes.
  • Before serving the charlotte we recommend that it cool down a little – eating hot pastries is harmful to tooth enamel and internal organs


Pear charlotte with Indian spices
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