Coconut oil and hair health

As we have already written more than once, coconut oil is extremely useful for hair health. It stimulates their growth, moisturizes, gives shine and nourishes the scalp.

The healing properties of coconut oil, if used for a long time, radically change the structure of the hair (even to the reduction of gray hair) and now we will present to your attention several more recipes for hair masks using coconut oil. These recipes will make your hair healthier, which is especially important in the winter period, will give your hair more life (but not to the point of independent movement on the head, of course) 😉

So, coconut oil and avocado

Mix avocado pulp with coconut oil and apply the mixture to your hair, preferably with a soft brush or comb. Then put on a shower cap or towel turban over it, and let the mask work for at least 20 minutes, then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Coconut oil and lemon juice

Combine 3 tablespoons of lemon juice with enough coconut oil for the length of your hair. Apply the mixture to your hair and gently massage your scalp. Leave the mixture on your hair for at least an hour before shampooing.

Do this once a week, preferably at night, and in the summer, the day after using the coconut mask, try to avoid direct exposure to the sun on your hair.

Coconut oil with olive oil and essential oils

This recipe is great for preventing hair loss.


  • 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 drops of tea tree essential oil (sold in pharmacies, health food stores, or aromatherapy departments)
  • 2 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • About 100 g of coconut oil


  1. Place the coconut oil in a glass container and gradually add the other ingredients, mixing well until smooth. Since the aromatic oils themselves are quite “volatile”, if you are not going to use the mask immediately, close the container tightly with a lid.
  2. Apply the mask on a dry scalp, that is, before taking a shower, hide your hair under a cap and cover it with a towel on top.
  3. The exposure time of the mask is 15-20 minutes, after which wash your hair as usual with your favorite shampoo.
кокосовое масло здоровье волос
  • Despite the fact that in the case of natural coconut oil from Masale, allergic reactions are extremely rare, to be safe, always check whether you have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients of the hair mask by first applying a small amount of the product to your skin eating
  • If nothing unusual happens, you can use the recipe without fear.
  • You set the duration of coconut oil yourself.
  • Our friends and regular customers report leaving the coconut oil in for 20 minutes, overnight, a day, or even leaving the oil on their hair for several days. The long-lasting effect of coconut oil is especially useful for those with long unruly hair – it allows you to call the curls to order)
  • Actually, with the help of coconut oil, you can carry out daily styling, giving your hair the necessary clarity of lines and shine.

Stay healthy and beautiful with Masale!

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