How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits

Sunny summer is the best time to improve the health of the whole body. But what to do if your favorite little Reluctant refuses to eat healthy vegetables and fruits? Undoubtedly, every family has its own methods of upbringing and eating habits, but MASALE has collected several effective methods that help awaken in children the desire to try a previously unfamiliar or even unloved dish.

In order to instill in a child a love for healthy eating, first of all, a visual example is necessary – so become a good role model! You should not constantly tell children about the usefulness of this or that vegetable, just use it yourself. In addition, recent studies have shown that children are more willing to eat food that is not burdened with nauseating advice from adults. So, when you put a plate of broccoli in front of Nechochuha, don’t expect anything special. Just run and see what happens.

Organize joint trips to the market, giving the child the opportunity to choose vegetables and fruits himself

This usually gives good results. Greater success can be achieved only if the child himself participates in planting and growing zucchini or strawberries – in this case, he will automatically have a desire to try the fruit of his labor.

Involve the child in cooking and setting the table together with you

Let the child not just watch you move around the kitchen, but become part of the cooking show. The best option is to get a personal apron and a non-sharp knife for a young cook. Owning personal kitchen utensils greatly improves the status and mood of children during cooking. We think there is no need to mention the indisputable benefits of the tradition of joint meals.

Put containers with washed fruits and vegetables in a prominent place

Children like to snack between main meals, and they eat most of what they can get their hands on. If they catch a glimpse of broccoli chips or pieces of raw carrot in the kitchen, they will go into action. If they find fruit, they will eat fruit. Children most often choose apples, tangerines and bananas because these fruits are easy to pick up and take with you. However, we would not leave a child alone with a bowl of blueberries. Tested on my own experience – a bad idea. Especially if you have a white sofa in the living room

Use the moment when the child is hungry and start with vegetables

Before lunch and dinner, children become like magnets on the refrigerator – they start rummaging around the house in search of something to satisfy their hunger. Seize the moment and give your child a bowl of fresh garden herbs, grilled zucchini, peas, or raw carrots. You can also reduce the portion of the main dish – children will eat more side dishes because they will still be hungry. Who knows if it will work, but it’s worth a try 😉


As an option for a game form of communication for greater intrigue, turn dried cranberries and barberry fruits into raisins. Broccoli – in green cauliflower, or vice versa. Brussels sprouts in kids salad. Zucchini fritters can easily be turned into apple-type fritters. The oldest marketing trick has been on the market for many years for a reason – it really works.

Don’t forget about masking

Many mothers hide vegetables in appetizing dishes, and children eat them as if they were cute, not noticing the trick. Prepare tomato-based sauces, add grated carrots to the Bolognese sauce, finely chopped onions and peppers and hide them in a ruddy pie with spinach on rye flour. And vegetable pizza? You can even prepare a wonderful Brownie based on zucchini. There are many such recipes, and not only children fall for this technique

Give the child fruits and vegetables with you

Whether it’s a long road, a walk in the park or a trip to school – be sure to give your child some fruit or vegetables. Give preference to convenient non-branded products. Even if the child does not eat them every day or exchanges a banana for a candy several times, this will form a certain correct visual image in his thinking: there must be vegetables and fruits for lunch.

Turn mindless food into healthy food

When children are engrossed in play or watching TV, offer them fresh juice, ginger tea, date candies, a bowl of chopped fruit, or toast with cheese and greens. This is a really good way to improve their nutrition and instill the habit of proper snacks.

And remember: the dining room is not a battlefield! No dish will benefit if it is eaten with scandal, through force and through tears. Always and in everything give priority to respect and love for your neighbor, informed choice and a reasonable approach.

Let’s be healthy!

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