Homemade eyebrow masks

We invite you to try simple homemade masks for eyebrow thickness with us!
The ingredients used in the recipes contain vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids that easily penetrate into hair follicles, nourish and restore them.

Coconut milk and vitamin E
3 tablespoons coconut milk (30 ml)
1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil (5 ml)

Aloe and coconut oil
3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 g)
2 tablespoons coconut oil first cold pressed

Coconut oil and olive oil
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon of olive oil

Separately or as a base for a mask you can apply pure high-quality oil to the eyebrows:
  • castor
  • sesame
  • linseed oil – generally excellent externally and internally
  • grape

Masks using jojoba, lavender, tea tree oil
Take a couple of drops of aroma oil for 1-2 tablespoons of base oil

Sesame oil, lemon juice and rosemary oil
2 tablespoons of sesame oil
½ tablespoon of lemon juice
a couple of drops of rosemary oil

Coconut oil and Hibiscus tea
½ -1 tablespoon of chopped leaves Hibiscus tea
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Heat the oil in a water bath, add Hibiscus tea and “marry” them for a couple of minutes on low heat.
Use, of course, cooled to room temperature temperature.


✔Coconut oil is a preservative in itself, but you should not poke the jar with it again and again with dirty fingers. So, to apply any masks, use a clean spoon, an eyebrow brush, or a sponge.
✔Principle of preparing such masks:
– place the ingredients indicated in the recipe in a glass or ceramic vessel with a lid
– shake the jar well until you reach the homogeneity of the mixture
✔ Such masks require a small amount – often a couple drops So they are also quite economical.
✔The main exposure time of the masks is 15-30 minutes. After this time, simply wash with warm water. In principle, if you use pure oil, you can safely “forget” about such a mask for a few hours or overnight.
✔Apply such masks twice a week, preferably before going to bed.
✔Not superfluous for your eyebrows will be lightly massaged for a couple of minutes during mask application. This will increase blood flow and improve oil absorption.
✔The remaining part of the mixture is best kept in the refrigerator until next time.

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