Green Superfood: Spirulina

Today we want to tell you about one very useful plant, more precisely, it is an algae – spirulina. Few people know about its healing properties. What kind of algae is this and what health effect can we get by taking it? And most importantly, how and in what quantities is it recommended to use it?

10 g of spirulina (recommended dose) contains 5 times more than the daily norm of vitamin B12, 4 times more vitamin A, 83% of the necessary norms of iron, 30% – vitamin B2, 25% – vitamin B1.

Spirulina is a product with a huge concentration of protein, which makes up 65-71% of the weight of algae (brewer’s yeast – about 50% and soy – about 35%). Algae contain essential amino acids (essential – not synthesized in the human body). It is the only vegetable product whose proteins contain a complete set of amino acids in the necessary proportions, including 8 essential ones. Carbohydrates, contained in the amount of 10-15% of the total weight of spirulina, are well absorbed and do not have a negative effect on the pancreas.

Spirulina contains almost all types of vitamins except two: vitamin C and D. It is the richest known source vitamins A, B12, E and F. It has 5 times more iron than brewer’s yeast. This seaweed contains selenium and germanium — antioxidant substances that prevent the development of cancer. The blue pigment phycocyanin in spirulina is the only known substance capable of stopping the growth of cancer cells.

  • Gamma-linolenic acid is found in spirulina and in breast milk, it is necessary for the treatment of arthritis.
  • Glutamic acid is the main food for brain cells, activates mental abilities, reduces cravings for alcohol.< /li>
  • Tyrosine slows down the aging of the body.
  • Cystine ensures the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Arginine cleanses the blood of toxins and impurities, increases sexual activity.
  • Inositol normalizes cholesterol levels, maintains a healthy liver, contributes to the elimination of carcinogens and excess female sex hormones.
  • Thiamine strengthens the nervous system, reduces fatigue, normalizes sleep, heart rhythm, eliminates shortness of breath.
  • Folic acid is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin.

In total, spirulina contains about 2000 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, including essential polyunsaturated fatty amino acids and enzymes. According to the World Health Organization, spirulina surpasses all known food components and medical preparations used for health.

Especially spirulina will be useful for:
  • thyroid diseases
  • pregnancy
  • anemia
  • painful or irregular menstruation
  • acne
  • diabetes
  • impaired vision
  • weakened immunity
  • old age
  • oncological diseases

According to the World Health Organization, spirulina is a preventive measure against at least 70% of diseases. Spirulina stimulates vital processes in the body, seriously strengthens immunity and gives a good mood. Spirulina is especially recommended for vegetarians who lead an active lifestyle or live in cold countries and often suffer from protein deficiency in food.

  • Spirulina in powder is added to fresh fruits, drinks and salads to significantly increase the nutritional value of food.
  • Spirulina is excellent for soups and pasta as a seasoning, it is mixed with yogurts and muesli.
  • After mixing spirulina powder with clean water, the resulting slurry is used as a cosmetic mask for the skin. The effect is really noticeable already after the first applications.

It is recommended to use 1-5 grams of spirulina per day.
Scientific studies and personal observations of people who regularly take spirulina confirm that this is the necessary amount of healing water that has a positive effect on health. Some people use up to 10 grams three times a day.
Spirulina has no side effects, and an overdose is unlikely: it is a natural product that is indicated for everyone from the sick, the elderly and children to athletes and astronauts.
Since spirulina contains many water-soluble vitamins, it is recommended to consume it within 15-30 minutes. before meals. But algae also contains some important fat-soluble vitamins, such as beta-carotene.
If you feel or know that your body needs a boost, then take spirulina after meals.

Stay healthy!

Before using spirulina, it is recommended to consult your doctor

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