Chocolate energy drink

The sun is getting less and less and it’s time to use the forces of nature to increase tone and productivity. Therefore, we offer you a special energy chocolate drink.


100 g of chopped grated cocoa beans or bitter dark chocolate
peel of one orange
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 1/2 cups coconut milk
carob syrup or honey
vanilla stick as desired


  • On low heat, melt the chocolate together with the zest and cinnamon in 3 tbsp. l. of milk.
  • When the chocolate is completely melted, pour the rest of the milk into the mass and bring to a boil.
  • After that, pour the hot chocolate into mugs and add carob syrup or honey to taste.
  • Our chocolate energy drink is especially delicious in the company of nice people and with dried oranges or nuts.
Chocolate energy drink
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