Chickpea flour pie with pumpkin and spinach

Freshly ground chickpea flour from Masale will help you enjoy a delicious Chickpea flour pie with pumpkin and spinach.
Hurry – the season is ending!

For the dough you need:

160 g chickpea flour
80 g rice or buckwheat flour
30 g coconut sugar
150-200 ml coconut milk
70 g of coconut oil (melted)
1.5 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of salt

Chickpea flour pie with pumpkin and spinach
Chickpea flour pie with pumpkin and spinach

For the filling:

120 g of peeled pumpkin
150 g of spinach
spices to taste

  • Wash the spinach, cut it into large pieces and saute in coconut oil until the color of the spinach changes to bright green.
  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes, add salt, add your favorite spices (garlic, a mixture of Italian herbs, ginger , rosemary, etc.). Leave to marinate while you knead the dough.

Dough preparation

  1. First mix all the dry ingredients: flour, salt and baking powder.
  2. Warm the coconut milk a little, add coconut oil and lemon juice to it.
  3. Pour the milk mixture into flour, mix everything thoroughly. The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 ºС.
  5. Visually divide the dough into two parts. Put one part of the dough on the bottom of the baking dish, spinach on top (salt it a little). Gradually distribute the pumpkin over the entire surface of the future pie. Top everything with the remaining dough. If desired, you can decorate.
  6. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

The pie is possible in a sweet version if you replace the vegetables with your favorite berries or fruits.

Chickpea flour pie with pumpkin and spinach
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