Ayurvedic tips: how to stay healthy and energetic in autumn

Autumn is the time to maintain balance! The weather is happy with sunny days, and we want to give you some tips on how to stay cheerful and healthy in the autumn period.

As winter approaches, the air temperature drops, in cold, dry, windy weather, Vata dosha becomes more unbalanced.
Here are some tips to help restore the vata balance.

  1. Get more rest than usual. Nature prompts a person about this through the reduction of daylight hours.
  2. Do daily physical exercises. This will improve blood circulation and body temperature. If it’s too cold to exercise outdoors, exercise indoors.
  3. Keep your head and ears warm when you go outside, this will help you stay healthy in the fall and ready for winter.
  4. Drink turmeric with ginger in the morning on an empty stomach, this will prevent the accumulation of mucus, will give vigor and protect against colds.
  5. We named the mixture turmeric and ginger Elixir of Youth, it is so good for the body.

Be healthy!

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Ayurvedic tips: how to stay healthy and energetic in autumn
Ayurvedic tips: how to stay healthy and energetic in autumn
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