Dhal rice. Kerala cuisine

Dish belonging to VERY SIMPLE. Dhal rice is spicy, tender, bright.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

rice 1/2 cup
dhal (daal) 1/2 cup
coconut oil
chili pepper or cayenne ground to taste
zira 1/2 tsp.
curry leaves
cinnamon 1/2 sticks
black mustard 1 tsp
ground turmeric tip tsp
salt to taste


  • Boil the rice, adding turmeric while cooking on the tip of a knife.
  • Also boil the daal in salted water in a ratio of 1:1.5 – when cooking, add chopped chili pepper or dried chili (quantity calculate depending on how spicy you like your food), cinnamon stick, remaining turmeric, curry leaves, salt.
  • When the dhal is ready, remove it from the heat, take out the cinnamon stick
  • Delicious!
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