Rejuvenating wakame algae masks

Rejuvenating wakame algae masks

Today, this greenish beauty will tell you that in cosmetology wakame algae are used to make masks that help nourish and moisturize the skin and cleanse it. Masks made of this algae stimulate the protective functions of the skin, slow down the aging process. Our algae can be used both in salads and soups, and for external use.

  • To prepare the wakame mixture, you can use dried seaweed as it is or grind it. Grinding would probably be better, because wakame are often quite long, and it is more difficult to play with them.
  • Usually, when diluting wakame with water, you need to wait until the mixture swells. Dried wakame will swell up five to ten times, so use them really sparingly. The water should be at room temperature, it is not necessary to dilute it with boiling water. You can use still mineral water.
  • It is good to add egg yolks to wakame masks, a small amount of cream, kefir, yogurt, glycerin, honey, vegetable and essential oils, as well as grated ginger, lemon juice or any other fruit juice, various clay, oatmeal, aloe.
  • Wakame masks are kept on the face, neck, and décolleté for about 10-15 minutes, a maximum of 20 minutes. Wash them off with warm or cool water.
  • Do not allow the mask to completely dry on the face, as this will tighten the skin and lead to dryness. But if your skin is prone to oiliness, then wakame is just for you.
  • Whether to use moisturizing creams after such a mask is up to your feeling and desire.

2 teaspoons of pre-chopped wakame pour water at room temperature and leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes to swell. Then drain the water, squeeze out the mass of algae. Now you can apply them on your face for 20 minutes.

To of the finished wakame mass, add 1 protein and 1 tsp. lemon juice This is a great tool will help whiten the skin, narrow the pores, and in case of regular use (although b twice a week) gets rid of small wrinkles

And, yes. The model in the photo does not have wakame. But the girl is really cute 😉

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