Green is the color of life, luck, development, spring and a symbol of money. So, we will cook spinach pancakes with a special sauce.
Option #1: Traditional pancakes
200 g spinach
200 g flour
200 ml coconut milk
200 ml of water
2-4 eggs
Salt, ground black pepper to taste
2 tbsp. coconut sugar (optional)< br> 0.5 tsp. soda (to extinguish with lemon juice)
2-4 tbsp. vegetable oil + per pan, as much as needed
- Grind the spinach in a blender, then add other ingredients to it.
- Let the dough stand for 15 minutes.
- Bake like regular pancakes on a greased pan with a thick bottom.
Option #2: Vegan Pancakes with Spinach
100 g of spinach – it is expensive now, but in the summer you can make the same pancakes with a mix of spinach, arugula and basil
300 ml of water or coconut milk or 100 ml of water + 200 ml of coconut milk
100 g of whole wheat flour
2 tbsp. ground flax seeds
1-2 tbsp. of vegetable oil + on the pan
A pinch of salt
0.5 tsp. soda (to be quenched with lemon juice) – as desired
Lemon peel or ground black pepper + chopped clove of garlic – to taste
- Whip spinach with half a dose of coconut milk in a blender.
- Pour in flour, ground flax seeds, salt and soda.
- Add all the loose ingredients to the spinach in the blender , butter, the second part of milk and mix everything well so that there are no lumps. Adjust the thickness of the dough as desired: if you want to bake pancakes – add flour, if you want ordinary pancakes with a filling – the recipe is, in principle, just for them.
- Let the dough stand for 10-15 minutes.
- Bake in a well-heated pan greased with oil.
- Such pancakes are good to serve with a filling – spinach goes well with ordinary salty or sweet cheese, mozzarella, ricotta and red fish. Or you can just let sour cream go.
Discovery of the day – as a sauce for spinach pancakes, mix thick sour cream or unsweetened yogurt with orange peel, lemon and a mixture of multi-colored peppers. It’s just a fabulous bimba for those who don’t like sweets!