Proper nutrition: we cook with coconut oil

Among followers of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, there has been a debate for a long time about the beneficial properties of coconut oil, whether it should be eaten or used in principle, but today, a large number of studies have established that the benefits of this unique product are undeniable, and all useful substances, which are part of it, are stored at high temperatures.

Due to its special composition, coconut oil is highly valued not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine.

Unrefined coconut oil contains many vitamins and useful micro- and macroelements.

Also, thanks to its taste and aroma, coconut oil is used in confectionery, in salad dressings, as a component in various smoothies. You can also cook main dishes on it.

Coconut oil can easily replace the usual refined sunflower oil and, unlike the latter, does not emit carcinogens when fried. The light aroma of coconut adds piquancy to the dish, and also allows you to use it in soap making and as a carrier oil in aromatherapy.

We have been using coconut oil in our kitchen for a long time, which made familiar dishes sound completely new.

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